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Meet the Artist

I have been a creator all my life. From mud pies, flower bracelets, jewelry, baking and even coffee roasting. But soap making has become my true passion.

My journey began in 2007

When I made my very first batch of soap. It was a very basic lye soap, but I was instantly in love! Oh the joy of working with your hands to create something that we could actually use!

Charcoal Soap

Just getting started

I quickly set to work to improve my skills. I researched to all hours of the night. I tend to do this when I am trying to figure something out. 

I made batch after batch of soap. Some looked good and some not so much. But I was creating and I loved it!

Besides, ugly soap is still usable, right?

The Mad Scientist

The desire to push myself to be more creative soon took over and I was soaping like a mad scientist, with colors and fragrance galore! After lots of prompting from family and friends, I stepped out of my comfort zone and Fragrant Moon was born!

Rosemary Goat Milk Soap
Cognac and Cubans Handcrafted Vegan Spa Bar Soap

I love to make others feel special!

What better way than to be able to bring swirls of color and luscious fragrances into their day to day routines.

All of our items are made in small batches in Bella Vista, AR. Our soaps do not contain any phthalates, detergents, petroleum derived products, or SLS’s of any kind. This ensures that you are getting a fresh and individually unique bar of soap.

That's the beauty of handmade!

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