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A Pick Me Up In A Cup!

I have been using Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar very sporadically for the last year or so. I have mainly used it as a quick pick me up during the day. You simply add a teaspoon or so to a glass of water and drink it. It gives you a little extra energy to get you moving […]

Is there an imposter lurking in your shower?

  Did you know that most store bought soap is not really soap?   Most of the cleansing bars that line the store shelves are detergents and not soaps at all. They are called syndet bars, or synthetic detergent bars. They are made

The answer is right in front of you!

  Ever lose your car keys and spend what seems like hours looking for them?  What about a receipt that you need in order to return something?

My addiction and how it all began…

I started this journey around the middle of 2007 and it really is all my Husband's fault. Don't get me wrong, my Dear Hubby works hard every day and is a very loving Husband and Father. He is also a very healthy person. However, that particular day he had come in contact with something…

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